On MCX Gold closed at Rs.30,977/10 gms after a sharp fall yesterday. It touched an intraday low of Rs. 30,956/ 10gms. MCX silver prices fell 2.2 % by following a bearish trend in the spot silver and closed at Rs. 59,959/kg. It touched an intra-day low of Rs. 59,858/kg
Crude oil prices declined 0.6 % and closed at Rs.4,832/bbl. It touched an intra-day low of Rs.4,785/bbl. MCX Copper prices ended on a flat note and closed at Rs.434.6/kg It touched an intra-day high of Rs. 435.7/kg.
Crude oil prices declined 0.6 % and closed at Rs.4,832/bbl. It touched an intra-day low of Rs.4,785/bbl. MCX Copper prices ended on a flat note and closed at Rs.434.6/kg It touched an intra-day high of Rs. 435.7/kg.
MCX Gold Dec : Sup- 30870/30760 Res- 31070/31170
MCX Silver Dec : Sup- 59500/59100 Res- 60200/60600
MCX Copper Nov : Sup- 432.0/430 Res- 436.50/439
MCX Crude Oct: Sup- 4770/4730 Res- 4870/4920
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